Beating Overwhelm

Getting stressed and feeling overwhelmed is something that is affecting us more than we care to admit these days. Personally, I have noticed that my natural ability – once golden – of letting go of “stuff” and relax seems to have vanished. 

Recently, I find that I need to make a conscious effort to reframe my thoughts and adopt behaviours to dispel tension so I can unwind, get some respite, and feel myself again. I think you may know what I mean here. 

My go to remedy for these moments is the Breathe mist, I spritz it around me and inhale the refreshing scent. The aroma of French Lavender is so soothing, it helps me reprogram my breathing, I sit up and start taking deeper, longer breaths with my nose and release the air, slowly, through my mouth.

But there are a few more steps I take, which I think it’s worth sharing with you. 


Remind yourself that you cannot change the past and that focussing on the Here and Now gives you back the power to change your future. 


Don’t dwell on negative thoughts, just trust that you can get through this moment. The Here and Now is for you to be kind to yourself and take time out if you need it.


Write down all the things that are worrying you in a simple list (only 3 words for each item) and then try and think of the kind of advice you’d give someone else to address those issues. 

Make notes against each item on your list and plan by when you’re going to action your solutions. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or to share your thoughts with someone close, sometimes voicing our concerns makes us see that the answers are simpler or more achievable than we first thought.  


Anything we cannot affect directly is best put aside, easier said than done you may think. But your life is yours and you can choose to accept that not everything is within your power. Letting go is the first step to relief, relaxation and inner calm. 


If we just stop comparing ourselves to others and take a break from our own sky-high expectations, we may just find that what who we are and what we have is just wonderful. Our family, friends, pets… unique abilities for which others love and admire us are worth being grateful for.

Start paying attention to what is good in your life and you’ll feel more fulfilled and less stressed almost immediately. 

Feeling overwhelmed from time to time is natural, it means we’re human. However, we can overcome overwhelm by recognising this state is only a breakdown of our thoughts, we can take a breather, make a plan to address what we can control, let go of what is beyond our control and find happiness in what we already have.



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